Sunday, August 17, 2008

for archiving and propaganda purposes

  • 01:33 "I took the man I loved from my best friend, she got real slick and took him back again." #
  • 02:07 Must get up by 1pm. Is alarm required? Serious contemplation involved. #
  • 13:53 Observation: cucumbers left in the fridge over long wrapped in plastic exude slime over their skin. #
  • 15:50 One fluro tube in the office is flickering and I am not going to last 8 hours beneath it. #
  • 18:51 only 4 people here, dark outside, lots of long corridors and empty rooms to hide in...this is the natural habitat of crazy axe murderers. #
  • 23:50 I lost the time between Westgarth and Ivanhoe. 10 minutes of my life I don't remember and won't get back. #
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  1. Try leaving a cucumber in a plastic bag NOT in the fridge for about two weeks, because it was inside an aluminum loaf pan on top of the microwave.


  2. Yeeeah, I think I'll pass. The slime was surprise enough.
